January 21, 2010


and now to effervesce in the pleasure i feel
in wanting someone
to put pain behind
and feel successful
in being able to tie up the loose ends
of my mind
to waltz forward with joy
into new moments
new feelings
and not be trapped
weighed down
lifting off the gloom
opening myself to my life
the daily existence of
brushing my teeth
or walking my dogs
or hugging my kids
or doing the dishes
all the while being wrapped in the glory
of knowing that in spite of how things might turn out sometimes,
i know i am loved.

and in spite of how things might turn out sometimes,
i am still resilient enough to get up
move on
and still be able to open myself up again
and again
because love comes in many forms
love of experience
love of body
love of spirit
or soul
love of mind
love of pleasure
and all of these things i know i still hold within me
in abundance
ready to be shared again
with the one who stirs me

share with me

be with me

melt with me

i am ready

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