February 20, 2010

Empty Shell

Chasing away the ones I want
My energy burns too bright.
Holding, chafing, you escaping
As usual I hold too tight

My desire unrefined
My plans were not concrete
Now nothing else that I encounter
Can make me feel complete

That empty aching in my heart
My body brought to rest
not having felt your skin's soft touch
Your face held to my breast

Where once you were a muse to me
I now feel stark and hollow
Your touch could light my soul on fire
Your words I sought to follow

Have mercy on me, I beseech
Take pity, hear my plea
Just once I want to feel you move
To have your skin on me

If ever then I relegate
This trembling, scorched desire
Somewhere out of reach of love
The consequences dire

No more will I feel this pain
No longer will I tremble
Now my outsides match my in
The shell that I resemble

Cracked and torn, antagonized
I need some time to heal
Til then I'll think of you and sigh
There's nothing left to do but deal....

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