September 4, 2009

Settling Myself Down

Maybe I wanted a "relationship" too much.
Maybe I forgot to get to know him better.
Maybe I wanted his body too badly.
Maybe I am just lonely.

One thing is for sure: He rocks my world.

It's not just me wanting a warm body to fill a space in my life. 

Not just wanting someone to come home to at night. 

It's him. I want him. I want to know him. I want to be with him.

Once again, I have mangled a relationship by pushing too hard and too fast. I recognize he has his issues, but I certainly have mine. This is the BIGGEST single cause of every "relationship" demise that I've had over the last year, even the most casual ones.  

My Worry: all that will remain of this is a "lesson" that I should have learned long ago.
The Cost: the friendship and care of someone special to me. 

The stakes keep getting higher for me. It's time for me to calm down or risk alienating every person I meet. 
It's time for me to settle myself.

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