October 22, 2009

Midnight Philosopher

Someone was pointing out to me the fundamentals of brain chemistry in the underlying pathology of depression. This is something I know too well and do experience that dip from time to time. But I tend to think of brain chemistry as only one spoke in the wheel, albeit an important one. When it comes to matters of the heart, I think putting the physical before the spiritual is cart before the horse. The spiritual despair in many cases is the causality which kicks the brain chemistry into gear.

My perspective of things like angst, despair, anguish, disappointment, etc. is rooted in something more comprehensive than just biology. I believe in a conjoined approach, a unity of humanness, that to split us into pieces - mind, body, spirit, heart - tears us apart rather than builds us up. I believe those pieces are inseparable while we are alive and that the interplay among them is too complicated for us to untangle, especially in a blog written at 1 am. To me, what underlies the issues we all face is the nature of consciousness and our interconnectedness to each other and the rest of the universe - just to make it easy, y'know.

I have a gnostic approach, a universal belief system that sees the gestalt in the individual human and in creation across the board. I can no more tear down those connections than I can pull LOVE out of the air and show it to you.

So when we FEEL, to me we are more than just a cascade of chemicals; we are an awareness of FEELING, an expression of the collective consciousness of FEELING, a manifestation of the archetypes of FEELING throughout and over time; we are revealing ourselves as divine in nature, opening a conduit to the unknown beyond what our bodies can tell us. The flush of neurotransmitters is the last step, a reaction if you will, to what is exposed to us through our consciousness and our experiences, beyond what our five physical senses can inform us. Our interpretation of those feelings can then begin.

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