December 13, 2009


Nothing feels good anymore. Life has lost its luster. Too many back to back disappointments, too much confirmation that I am as worthless as I suspected.

I hate you for doing this to me. Everything was FINE until you arrived. Now I'm so much more than broken. I never asked for this. You had some say in how I feel, you could've treated me much better. It didn't need to be like this.

I opened myself up to you in ways I haven't done with ANYONE, and I think you know what I mean. What you did, no one has done. You asked me once why women always make a man's because it really IS too good, and women save that kind of letting go only for someone they trust and love. THAT is why she made you stop. And that is why I let you release me.

Fucking HELL!!!!! I'd rather be walking around with needles in my eyes than endure this for one more second. I cannot tolerate much more!

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