December 9, 2009

Let the Music Play

It's been awhile since I wrote a good erotic story. This was inspired by the Rob Zombie concert Saturday night at DC's 930 Club. It was okay. Rather than listen to the music, this is what I was thinking about. WHO I was thinking about, I'll leave to the imagination......MWAHAHAHAHA!

The music was loud and it thumped in my chest, pounding my body so I had to hold the bar for support against its rhythm. Your eyes caught my attention from the other side, staring and penetrating, mesmerizing; I could not pull away from your stare. Your face so familiar to me yet unexpected in this place, not at all the person I was expecting to see here, not that I expected to see ANYONE I knew in here…

In utter astonishment at seeing each other, let alone in this crowded bar with this hard, loud music pulsing through us, we began circumnavigating the bar to get to each other. Our eyes remained locked lest we break the spell and discover that the other was just a mirage. 

Could it really be you?
Closer, pushing people aside, we moved together until we were touching. It was really you! We were both shocked into silence at seeing each other in this place, at this time. It seemed so out of place and not at all like what we would have planned, but here we were anyway.

The crowd pushed against us, jamming my hip into the bar and spilling someone’s drink. As someone turned to make a fuss, you reached out your arm and pushed their face away with just one glance of your hand. It was so loud we couldn’t talk, really, and what could be said? What are you doing here? Well that’s a stupid question, clearly we both came here to see the band. Who cares….we are both here now….

Without hesitation, your hands went into my hair, pulling my head back. Your face came down on me with the urgency of so many days gone by since we’d last seen each other. Your kisses were deep and searching, hands pulling through my hair, grabbing me closer and closer. My hands were wrapped around your back, feeling you to see if you were real, that I wasn’t just having another fantasy about you. Convinced you were real, my hands sought out your skin sliding under your shirt; in response, your kisses grew deeper, more passionate and we were now becoming a distraction and irritation to the people around us. Not that we noticed.

Moving aside and away from the crowd, still kissing and groping we found our way to a dark corner next to the bar. Without warning, you pulled out your hands from my hair and pushed my shoulders to pin me to the wall. The music was pounding in me and my body was throbbing from your kiss; holding me hard against the wall, you began to rub against me in time to the music, my body rising up to respond to you. Convinced that I would stay pinned to the wall on my own, your hands came down and encircled my breasts through my shirt, your mouth still on me, now on my neck, on my ear, my shoulder, your lips and teeth pushing down the straps on my shirt. Our bodies were grinding against each other as the wall held us up from tumbling down to the floor. I could feel the satisfying hardness of you against me which just made me want you more; reaching around you I grabbed your ass with both my hands and pulled you closer and closer, grinding with you. Your hands traveled down and under my short skirt to discover that nothing else stood in the way. The music played louder, the bass and drums pounded our bodies as we throbbed to the rhythm that was pushing us harder and closer. In a moment your hand had you out of your pants; whether anyone could see this was beyond either of us even caring at this point. You lifted me up off the floor, my right leg wrapped around your back, my left wrapped around your leg. Searching with one hand, your fingers penetrated me, guiding the way for your hardness to reach me. I opened my legs as wide as I could and took you in, soaking and aching, pulling you inside, grabbing onto you and not letting go. My one arm went around your neck, the other behind me, grabbing for something on the wall, anything to hold onto as you penetrated me, our bodies grinding deeper, wetter, faster, harder. Your mouth was still on my neck and I thought briefly how you were going to leave a mark…but I didn’t care at all. I wished you would leave your marks all over my body so I could see the places where you took me, where you left behind your marks to claim my body.

Still no words, just breathless exchanges of “oh baby,” moans, grunts, the vibration of the music. You fucked me right where I stood, nailed me to the wall and flooded me with your essence, your excitement overflowing my insides, running down my legs. Still you kept me pinned, still you kissed me. We couldn’t stop, we didn’t want to stop, and so the music played on….

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