April 25, 2010

Filling the Open Spaces

How would it feel to take a vacation, a brief time away from the stream of my life?
What kind of vacation would I choose? So many ideas, options, so many ways to change the flow, to recharge and reconnect. Having the time to do so is such a precious gift, our lives as filled with busyness as they tend to be. So much busyness, so little REAL time, time to be, time to experience and feel and love and be loved. Why?

I don't want a big beach resort or a suite in Vegas overlooking the strip. I don't want to prowl the world eating new foods and speaking new languages; I've done that before - quite a lot actually - and right now, that's not what I need.

If I could take a vacation I would spend my time with YOU.

My life is so full, so bursting at the seams with busyness...what I need is a refresher...a space in time to remind myself that I am a woman. We don't have the luxury of time or place or emotion to allow full-fledged, full-time relationships to enter our lives. But we each have something the other needs, whatever that is, and that longing so desperately needs to be quenched. Something has nurtured a connection across time and distance. I don't pretend to know what nor do I care to conflate it with speculation about the future. All I know is...I want you.

I could probably fill that space with ...whatever. Other stuff. Hobbies. Interests. Friends. I could fill it with another man. But it wouldn't really be filled, only occupied. Something about you stirs me and moves me and engulfs me and replenishes me...I can only hope I do the same for you. You, too, could fill your spaces with other things....so many things.

Fill it with me.

1 comment:

Edadian said...

Meaningful relationships are something I long for. Family is important but it leaves an emptiness and longing. Maybe it is because my daughter is so far away.

I'd go on one of those connecting vacations with you.