November 21, 2009


In touch with the ground
I'm on the hunt I'm after you
Smell like I sound I'm lost in a crowd.
And I'm hungry like the wolf.
Straddle the line in discord and rhyme
I'm on the hunt I'm after you.
Mouth is alive with juices like wine
And I'm hungry like the wolf

~Duran Duran~

BACK in the driver's seat, I feel weak no more. Instead, I am feeling feisty and strong, like a hunter ready to pounce.
I do not hunt idly or without a target in mind. I make slow, steady progress toward a goal, which is YOU.
Nothing will satisfy this hunger until I have you. I can try to tame it, try to control it, try to distract it, but in the end it will overtake everything and everyone else I meet. YOU are the target of my deepest desires.
My gait is slow, my approach is patient; I will wait until you are within striking distance and then I will POUNCE, taking you down with a singular focus, letting everything else fade to black as I take you as my own....even if only for a brief moment in time....

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