November 5, 2009

Meeting the Marine

I remember the first time I kissed you, your mouth tasted sweet like coffee and cigarettes. We'd met at the coffee place near my house, even though it was a really long drive for you. And I was still late. You surprised me with your good looks, because I remember seeing another truck in the parking lot and thinking, "Don't be him, don't be him, don't be him!" Instead you came up behind me in line and touched my elbow. You weren't him, you were MUCH better!

We sat outside as the September air allowed, until the wind picked up and whipped my hair into your lit cigarette. We moved inside, to the very back of the cafe. As you talked and looked at my eyes, I remember stroking the hair on your arm. I had no idea we were opening something so huge at that very moment, for that is when I think it all passed between us and it was clear that SOMEthing was about to happen.

We stayed and talked for several hours, too long for people who had recently met, but that trend would continue throughout. We never ran out of things to say, and I remember you making me laugh so hard I almost snorted. I tried hard not to snort because that's just not an attractive noise!

When we finally HAD to leave, you walked me to my car. I watched you walk and admired your body from behind as you lit another cigarette and crossed the parking lot. I watched the way your shirt fell over your collar bone, the way your body looked in your pants, the way you held your head. When we got to the car, you stopped and stared into my eyes in that way that people do when they know they are about to kiss. Everything churned and burned up inside, knowing something amazing was coming. Your lips were so smooth, so full and you kissed me hard but nicely and without being sloppy. I could feel your hands pulling my back in, pressing me against you, my nipples hardening and likely poking into your shirt in an obvious way (I didn't "believe" in bras at that time). The kiss got deeper and deeper, pulling each other closer until there was nowhere left to go. I could feel you getting hard against my leg and I wanted so much to move my hands down your body and cup your ass, pressing you against me. That's when you cupped my ass and pressed me against you! Your hands were vigorous and exploring what they wanted. It was tempting to want to just throw you in the car but we agreed to meet the next day. And then it all began....

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