November 4, 2009

What I want right now....

is someone that will hold me.

What I want right now

is someone to wrap themselves around me.

What I want right now

is to feel close to someone, warm and safe, intimate and sweet.

What I want right now

is to end this everlasting search for sex and find someone who has a brain,
is to be with someone who asks as many questions about life as I do, who cares enough to listen to me talk endlessly about the things that matter to me,
who knows how to touch me and stroke my skin, to turn me on and make me happy without even removing one piece of my clothing
I want someone I can sleep next to, all day if need be, who is content in just being with me, happy just to hear me breathing, feeling my heartbeat against him.

I wonder if that has happened without my knowledge ever, that anyone ever laid next to me simply content to watch me sleep the way I have watched them, if anyone ever marveled over the sweetness of my face as I dreamed the way I have marveled over them?

I don't want to move, I don't want to dare disturb the universe at this moment. If you have your arms around me, content just to be near me, SHHH, please don't breathe. I am enjoying being with you and enjoying you enjoying me.

This is our moment in time.

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