October 13, 2009

Because You Can

I feel your face close to mine, your breath hot on my cheek. The weight of your body presses down on me and I worry that my hip bone is cutting into your soft skin, but you don't seem concerned. Looking into your face, so close, your eyes on mine, I notice you are unwavering in your focus and I can't turn away from you.

You bring your hands up to mine, our fingers intertwining. As I try to move my arms, I realize that you have me pinned, but in a nice way. I want to kiss you so badly, but your face doesn't move. I try again to move my arms so I can put my hands on your face and draw you in, but I can't.

"Kiss me," I whisper to you.

You shake your head no and smile, just a little. I'm not sure what you're up to, but you are causing the heat to rise in me. I want your mouth, your tongue, I want to hear you sigh and moan. So I say it again.

"Kiss me."

You grip my hands together in just your one hand, something you can do since you're so much bigger than me. I try again to loosen my hands, but I still can't. How frustrating!

With your free hand you trace just one finger down my arm, whispering to me, "You are so beautiful."

I am fidgety but you are patient and want to take your time. One finger trails along my skin leaving a wake of goosebumps behind. Your lips lightly linger on my neck, so lightly, leaving me breathless. I try again.

"Kiss me. Please!"

I'm becoming impatient. I want you too much.

Still you shake your head no and continue your game, holding me still, teasing my body, touching me ever-so-lightly. I'm starting to moan softly, "Oh baby..." my breath coming in gasps as your fingers conduct your electricity through me. I can't take much more.

I ask you again. And again. "Please kiss me!" It feels so urgent wanting you, so much more than physical. Every touch brings a feeling to the surface, a smile when I think of your steamroller joke, a sigh when I think of your hand holding mine, a wave of emotion when I think of the little things you do that show you care.

The way I feel is urgent, when you touch me it becomes imperative that I melt with you, become part of you and you part of me. I want nothing more.

But still, you tease me and I know you are enjoying every long, tortuous moment.

"Oh baby" I moan, "Why are you doing this to me?"

Quietly, you bend close to my ear, and with your lips just touching my ear you whisper,

"Because I can."

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