October 20, 2009

Enfold Me Again

What I would not give
For that night to continue
For Time to enfold us,
For the darkness to deepen,
The anticipation of so many long years
Giving way abruptly
To the rush of  pure desire…
For the ceiling to once more
Echo with the sounds of pleasure
And laughter
As we explore together for the first time…
To lie beneath you,
My skin ablaze,
Wanting only to be touched,
My body aching
With the need to be filled,
With the need for release…
What I would not give
To have you again,
To feel your strong hands
Clenched in my hair,
My mouth drawing you ever deeper within,
To feel your strong fingers
Grasping my hips,
Driving me hard over the edge
As I am filled with you…
I close my eyes and see you,
Feel your hands on my skin,
Your body against mine,
Wanting only to have that night continue
For Time to enfold us,
For you to come again within my walls…

~ based on Within the Walls of Time by Silverhawk 2009 ~

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