October 13, 2009


I think whomever invented high heels and bras should be strung up by a Double D and have a spiked heel shoved up his ass.

I think most men need to find out the true meaning of 50% as in: 50% of the housework, 50% of the child-rearing, 50% of the relationship.

I think all women should know how to make basic repairs to their car.

I think it's stupid to combine finances with someone when you get married.

I think marriage is NEVER a foregone conclusions.

I think dogs are really the best friends you can have, unless there is a wild animal or fresh meat that is distracting them. Then they can be total assholes.

I think I'm actually a much better person than I give myself credit for.

I think David is one of the most amazing men I have ever met.

I think I look pretty damn good for my age 

I think bleeding once a month is a small price to pay for the privilege of being a woman.

I think men overthink relationships just as much as women.

I think the Israelis picked a really bad spot to put Israel.

I think the public school system really IS leaving our kids behind.

I think it's about time we normalized relations with Cuba.

I think it's time to stop using oil and convert to renewable energy.

I think President Obama is doing a good job.

I think socialism isn't always a bad thing.

I think someone is going to leave me a nasty comment because I mentioned 'socialism'. 

I think capitalism in the United States has reached its ceiling; you can tell by watching the overgrown multi-nationals drop like flies. 

I think it's a relief that combat troops are finally starting to rotate OUT of Iraq.

I think it's ridiculous that we're only NOW fighting the war in Afghanistan that we needed to fight 8 years ago!

I think the fact that I can grow things that I can actually eat is a miracle.

I think organized religion is the downfall of society.

And I think I better shut the fuck up before something really embarrassing comes to light...

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