September 13, 2009


We all deserve a shot at redemption. I know I can be a better person than this. I know I'm stronger, harder, more refined than to cling so desperately to any last shred of hope. It is time for me to stand up, look him in the eye and say, "I want you. But I will wait for you and I will accept the outcome no matter what."

I do it not for gain or display of strength. I do it not for ego. My ego has long since passed away leaving me open to change. Now is my chance to redeem myself, to release the ego and the hurting, to become the person I know I am inside by standing strong in spite of the pain and accepting whatever comes. No, I only do it because my time has come.

Being with you, I can feel the stirrings of the best parts of myself. Never has that been before, that another has roused my finest self to the surface. Only you. So you can see why I stand ready to accept whatever fortune or the future holds. You and I together make something better and bigger than ourselves. What that is I do not know. I shall expect nothing from you, from God, from the Universe. I release expectation, release my ego and my anxiety and stand ready to be me, the best of myself, however that unfolds before us.

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