September 3, 2009

Strangely Compelled

I've been laying here reading and listening to my iPod when a song came on that made me laugh, only because it was so damn appropriate. The song is, strangely enough, titled "Sinner" by Neil Finn of Crowded House fame. It's a great song, but the words just made me think "AHHH", in a good way....

"These things I should keep to myself
But I feel somehow strangely compelled
Under moonlight I stood wild and naked
Felt no shame, just my spirit awakened.

The closest I get to contentment
Is when all of the barriers come down."

Most of this shit I should DEFINITELY keep to myself but I feel strangely compelled to:

- make lists

- say exactly what I think, even when that's not a good idea

- continue to blurt out stupid things to a person when I know I've already freaked them out or upset them. Not out of meanness. Just stupidity.

- share my opinion whether you asked for it or not

- knock down people's barriers

- pry into certain parts of a man's anatomy

- drive long, ungodly distances for the right person

- accommodate people's weird neediness

- read the last page of a book as I'm starting it

- grab at life full force, shake it and make it my bitch!!!

Maybe in a way these aren't really bad things, after all I don't really have any regrets. Most of the time, the regrets I have are of the chances I didn't take or the things I passed up. It's why I AM strangely compelled to do things most of the time, because one of my biggest fears in life is to miss life altogether. 

I'm in the ring, good, bad or ugly, I'm in the fight.

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